The Client
I started working with a health expert and nutritionist last summer. She had been running live monthly webinars for a while and was looking to create a passive income by selling the recordings for the webinars, but equally wanted to create a more automated experience for issuing customers with the CPD certificates after the webinar had finished.
The client had already been recommended Kajabi as the platform to use and we very quickly got all of her historical recordings onto the site. There were a few tweaks we worked on along the way before she wanted to officially launch it to her customers and followers.
Our Biggest Hurdle
The biggest thing that we need to overcome was issuing a personalised PDF CPD certificate automatically once they had completed the live webinar or watched back the recording. We tried a few different things before I finally found the perfect solution. Before this process, her Admin VA was creating and sending out these certificates, which when the client had approximately 500-600 sign ups every month, it was taking a considerable amount of time! Now, as soon as the webinar has finished, the customers are all emailed their certificates straight after the webinar has finished. There is some manual manipulation needed before this to change the name of the webinar but it has gone from taking hours to mere minutes to set this up.
The Soft Launch
Black Friday
Following her soft launch to her list, she made the decision to create some packages and also offer between 40-50% off all of her recordings for Black Friday. As well as her email list, she put this offer out to her followers across social media. Within less than 24 hours of offering the recordings at 40-50% off and with the combination of packaging the recordings up as well, the client made a staggering £15k! In one day. She extended the offer to Cyber Monday and made a further £4k.
After seeing just how much potential was to be had, at the start of the year the client decided to create a monthly membership where, for a small monthly subscription, customers are given access to a number of other resources, as well as the webinar recordings. She has already made over £10k in just under 2 months from this alone.
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